Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Miami, FL – July 23, 2022 – Presented by Nucleus and LinkMiamiRebels, Dustin Robinson, Esq. CPA, teamed up with Club Space to host the third installment of “Psychedelic Medicine: The Future of Mental Health” on Saturday, July 23. At the event, guests learned firsthand how psychedelics are paving the way to many medicinal advancements. Panelists included Juan Pablo, CEO of NueLife; Bonnie Segal, president of Segal Trials; Keila Torre, strategy and partnerships at MAPS; and Dr. Scott Fisher, lead facilitator of Segal Trials and Iter Investments advisor. The panel was moderated by Dustin Robinson, Founding Partner of Mr. Cannabis Law; Co-Founder of Mr. Psychedelic Law; Managing Principal of Iter Investments; and Co-Founder of Nucleus.
Robinson started his monthly Psychedelic Series in Miami as a way to keep the conversation around psychedelics at the forefront and continue to educate the community on the emerging sector. Every month, the Psychedelic Series features experts in the psychedelics space including CEOs, doctors, lawyers and celebrities. The in-person events have expanded to locations throughout the country including New York, Chicago and California, as well as internationally in London. Nucleus is made up of technology, data, and media assets intended to deliver intelligence, education, and opportunities to those that are looking for a resource for self-discovery and industry information. Within the platform, participants can assess their emotional health, find treatments, journal their experiences, and fully own all of their documented health data along the way. This is all in an effort to give the power back to patients so they can better understand themselves as they grow and evolve.
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, & Juan Pablo Cappello
Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson & Bonnie Segal
Dustin Robinson
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, & Keila Torre
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Sam Baum
Sam Baum
Sam Baum, Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, & Keila Torre
Sam Baum
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, Keila Torre, Juan Pablo Cappello, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Keila Torre, & Juan Pablo Cappello
Coloma Kaboomsky & Sam Baum
Dustin Robinson, Bonnie Segal, & Dr. Scott Fisher
Dustin Robinson, Bri Gagliardi, & Sam Baum
Max Surprenant & Margie Adelman
DJ Lucaz Zaglul & Coloma Kaboomsky