Miami, FL – November 30, 2021 – Museum of Graffiti kicked off Basel on Tuesday by debuting their Art Week patio. Special guests were invited by Nesquik to be the first to visit the outdoor space and tap into their own creative energy. Each guest participated in the renowned Sneaker Lab created by Los Angeles’ Majorwavez (Ruben Barraza) Powered by Nesquik. At the workshop, Majorwavez and his team disassembled sneakers, added new elements, paint, laces, and other embellishments so that attendees left with a fresh pair of custom kicks like they’ve never had before.
Andrew Gonzalez
George Arango & Andrew Gonzalez
Gio Gutierrez, Samuel Gonzalez, & George Arango
Jessica Pedraja, Gloria Gross, & George Arango
Gustavo Oviedo & Jay DeSantos
Gustavo Oviedo & Ruben Barraza
Gustavo Oviedo
Andrew Gonzalez & Samuel Gonzalez
Jay DeSantos
Sam Baum
Sam Baum
Ruben Barraza
George Arango
Olga Megrabian, Jessica Pedraja, & Gloria Gross
Samuel Gonzalez & George Arango
Sam Baum & Gustavo Oviedo
Ray Hernandez & Shaun Ngo
FUZI & Blade
Ruben Barraza & Jessica Pedraja