Curator Culture at The Bass: Featuring Artist Haegue Yang & NBC 6 Chief Meteorologist John Morales

Tom Healy, John Morales, & Haegue Yang
Miami Beach, FL – November 3, 2019 – The Bass held an installment of the talk series, Curator Culture. Following the recent opening of Haegue Yang‘s exhibition, In the Cone of Uncertainty, the artist, along with NBC 6 Chief Meteorologist John Morales and host Tom Healy, discussed the ways in which different cultural and ethnic backgrounds can unite to address universal issues in a complicated future.

Tom Healy, John Morales, & Haegue Yang

John Morales & Haegue Yang

Tom Healy, John Morales, & Haegue Yang

Tom Healy, John Morales, & Haegue Yang

Tom Healy, Haegue Yang, & John Morales

John Morales

Patrice Carter & Julia Rudo