
To show love and support for our WRE photographers, videographers, and editors who have been greatly affected economically by Covid-19 while showcasing and/or selling their best and personal favorite pieces of work: photography and art. Please click here to donate and scroll down to view the beautiful archive of imagery that we have collected from our team. Upon making your donation, we welcome you to choose a high definition photo of your choice and then e-mail Ryan@worldredeye.com to receive your image. Absolutely 100% of the proceeds will be going directly to the 15 contractors, both full and part time, to exclusively be used to help them pay rent, bills or taxes as they have set up this fund completely on their own without any World Red Eye involvement.


The whole nightlife, entertainment and event industry has been affected by the Covid-19 outbreak and therefore all of our photographers, editors and support staff will be facing difficult times financially in the next few months. We want to ensure that they can pay their bills and sustain living until this pandemic ends so they’ll be ready and able to work while doing their part to get Miami up and running again. Our team consists of hard working, dedicated photographers and staff who don’t ask for charity, but we still want to ask those who can help them out to please donate. All of our photographers have galleries filled with amazing photographs, videos and artwork, and we want to give back by showcasing as much of it as we can. Donors (by request) can receive high resolution images and potentially prints (TBD on cost and availability). We also want to offer their services for any and all occasions at wholesale prices that will be paid directly to the photographer (not to WRE in any way) at the time of service. Please reach out to Ryan@worldredeye.com directly to schedule your photoshoot.


Raise as much as possible to assist our photographers and editors pay rent, bills & taxes for the upcoming months.

Display and sell their work, while offering any services at wholesale rates.


Hopefully this is a short-lived fundraiser, but depending on how long the quarantines and lockdowns continue, clubs, restaurants and events will be closed and/or cancelled for the immediate future. Paying rent and all other bills for the month of April and May, when the pay cycles catch up and the sting of zero work is felt. If this lockdown situation is extended the fundraiser would also be extended.


Alejandro Chavarria, Martin Medina, Kyle McLaughlin, Misha Mehrel, Chris Nazon, Daniel Rodriguez, Richard Alvarez, Sam Rivas, Youri Fatianoff, Steve Blaine, Tommy Fuentes, Juan Bianchi, & Luis Salas

Website Editors

Daniella Silvera & Gaby Cuevas

Closing Statement

We want to ensure Miami is exactly what it was before the crisis (if not better), and that means taking care of everyone that we can. With your help, no one is going to be left behind and we can all get back to business as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Ryan Troy

Nightlife Director, World Red Eye

Photo imagery below has been compiled by WRE Photographers. 
