Mayor Philip Levine

Miami Beach, FL – June 23, 2017 – The City of Miami Beach and Mayor Philip Levine had the great honor of hosting the 85th Annual United States Conference of Mayors (USCM), the largest and most significant gathering of elected officials in the nation. With nearly 300 mayors in attendance, as well as more than 1,500 elected officials, local and international leaders, and corporate executives participating, this Miami Beach gathering was the largest event in the history of the conference. Daytime activities at the headquarter Fontainebleau Hotel included plenary sessions, committee meetings, and policy discussions on critical issues including climate change, infrastructure, and immigration. Mayor Levine moderated a panel highlighting Miami Beach’s groundbreaking initiatives and leadership role in addressing sea level rise, titled Miami Beach Rising Above: Our Story of Resilience. City of Miami Beach panelists included City Manager Jimmy Morales; Assistant City Manager/Chief Resiliency Officer Susanne Torriente; Eric Carpenter, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director; Bruce Mowry, City Engineer; and Panel sponsors Josh Sawislack, AICP, Global Director of Resilience, AECOM; and Robert W. Bailey, Executive Vice President C2MHill.

Mayor Philip Levine, Jimmy Morales, Josh Sawislak, Susanne Torriente, Robert Bailey, Eric Carpenter, & Bruce Mowry

Mayor Philip Levine, Jimmy Morales, Josh Sawislak, Susanne Torriente, & Robert Bailey

Mayor Philip Levine, Jimmy Morales, & Josh Sawislak

Robert Bailey, Eric Carpenter, & Bruce Mowry

Josh Sawislak, Susanne Torriente, & Robert Bailey

Susanne Torriente, Robert Bailey, Eric Carpenter, & Bruce Mowry

Mayor Philip Levine, Jimmy Morales, Josh Sawislak, Susanne Torriente, Robert Bailey, Eric Carpenter, & Bruce Mowry

Tom Cochran, Maggie Sans, Stephen Benjamin, & Mitch Landrieu

Tom Cochran, Maggie Sans, Robert Garcia & Mitch Landrieu

Tom Cochran, Maggie Sans, Mayor Philip Levine, & Mitch Landrieu

Mayor Philip Levine

Mayor Philip Levine

Robert Garcia

Maggie Sans

Mick Cornett

Mitch Landrieu

Joao Doira & Maggie Sans

Amy Hill

Mayor Philip Levine

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