
Miami, FL – August 13, 2016 – Heineken, the beer that’s enjoyed in the most cities around the world, is supporting the restoration of Miami Marine Stadium as part of its “Cities” campaign, which aims to make great urban areas even greater. To make the greatest impact, Heineken will matching up to the first $20,000 that is contributed within the first two weeks. Heineken is also rewarding unique perks to contributors; in fact, Heineken’s #SaveYourSeat program will award select donors with actual seats that are being removed from the stadium to make way for renovation. To help raise awareness of this campaign, Heineken hosted another weekend of on-the-water events to help raise awareness of the Miami Marine Stadium project. For more information and to support the Marine Stadium Restoration, click here.


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Alexis Vrba

26-Jamen Krynicki & Alexis Vrba7_new

Jamen Krynicki & Alexis Vrba

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Paulo Cardoso & Alexis Vrba

28-Rikki Wood & Emi Guerra2_new

Rikki Wood & Emi Guerra

29-Emi Guerra, Rikki Wood, Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, Michelle Chala, Paulo Cardoso, Angel Febres, Jamen Krynicki, & Lee Sanchez1_new

Emi Guerra, Rikki Wood, Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, Michelle Chala, Paulo Cardoso, Angel Febres, Jamen Krynicki, & Lee Sanchez


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Lee Sanchez

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49.6-Hayden Rich, Lee Sanchez, Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, & Paulo Cardoso2_new

Hayden Rich, Lee Sanchez, Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, & Paulo Cardoso

50.1-Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, & Paulo Cardoso5_new

Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, & Paulo Cardoso

50.3-Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, & Paulo Cardoso2_new 52-Jamen Krynicki, Alexis Vrba, & Paulo Cardoso10_new

52.1-Alexis Vrba1_new

Alexis Vrba

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Michelle Chala & Angel Febres

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Lee Sanchez & Hayden Rich

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