Heineken Launches “Save Your Seat” Campaign to Support Restoration of Miami Marine Stadium
Miami, FL – July 9 – 10, 2016 – For those who may or may not know, Miami Marine Stadium was once among America’s most iconic destinations, hosting on-the-water performances from legendary acts like the Rolling Stones and The Beach Boys. The stadium has gone unused for years, and now, Heineken has launched a unique campaign to help restore this crucial piece of Miami culture for generations to come. Heineken, the beer that’s enjoyed in the most cities around the world, is supporting the restoration of Miami Marine Stadium as part of its “Cities” campaign, which aims to make great urban areas even greater. To make the greatest impact, Heineken will matching up to the first $20,000 that is contributed within the first two weeks. Heineken is also rewarding unique perks to contributors; in fact, Heineken’s #SaveYourSeat program will award select donors with actual seats that are being removed from the stadium to make way for renovation. To help raise awareness of this campaign, Heineken hosted two days of on-the-water events to help raise awareness of the Miami Marine Stadium project. For more information and to support the Marine Stadium Restoration, click here.

Coltrane Curtis

Nicole Halkides, Violet Camacho, Marie Moran, Coltrane Curtis, & Roma Cohen

Violet Camacho, Marie Moran, & Coltrane Curtis

Marie Moran, Coltrane Curtis, & Roma Cohen

Nicole Halkides & Violet Camacho

Erin Auble & Ric Sarille

Natalie Marchionni, Erin Auble, & Helen Hernandez

Marie Moran, Nicole Halkides, & Violet Camacho

Lindsay Shapiro & Erika Cohen

Gigi Spadei

Angel Febres & Michelle Chala

Susanne Birbragher & Lionel Leventhal

Helen Hernandez

Ronnie Vogel & Gigi Spadei

Gaudi Castro & Arin Maercks

Andrea Gonzalez

Natalie Marchionni

Nicole Halkides

Susanne Birbragher

Roma Cohen

Violet Camacho

Joey Krutel, Violet Camacho, & Nicole Halkides

Melanie Companioni & Michelle Chala

Lindsay Shapiro & Leandro Pisani

Arin Maercks, Natalie Marchionni, & Gaudi Castro

Gaudi Castro & Natalie Marchionni

Erin Auble, Arin Maercks, & Helen Hernandez

Michelle Chala, Angel Febres, Melanie & Orly Companioni

Melanie & Orly Companioni, Arin Maercks, Erin Auble, Helen Hernandez, Ric Sarille, Angel Ferbes, & Michelle Chala

Gaudi Castro, Natalie Marchionni, Ric Sarille, Helen Hernandez, Erin Auble, & Melanie Companioni

Natalie Marchionni, Gaudi Castro, Ric Sarille, Helen Hernandez, Erin Auble, & Arin Maercks

Ric Sarille, Michelle Chala, & Angel Febres

Melanie & Orly Companioni, Helen Hernandez, Michelle Chala, Gaudi Castro, Angel Febres, Ric Sarille, & Erin Auble

Nicole Halkides, Marie Moran, Joey Krutel, Andrea Gonzalez, & Violet Camacho

Nicole Halkides

Violet Camacho, Nicole Halkides, & Marie Moran

Ronnie Vogel & Gigi Spadei

Susanne Birbragher

Natalie Marchionni & Gaudi Castro

Andrea Gonzalez, Roma & Erika Cohen

Natalie Marchionni, Gaudi Castro, Orly Companioni, Jordan, Melanie Companioni, & Michelle Chala

Orly Companioni, Jordan, & Melanie Companioni

Nicole Halkides, Coltrane Curtis, & Violet Camacho

Gaudi Castro & Natalie Marchionni

Orly & Melanie Companioni

Roma & Erika Cohen

Arin Maercks & Vanessa Grout

Mike Giron & Violet Camacho

Lionel Leventhal, Susanne Birbragher, Nicole Halkides, Marie Moran, Violet Camacho, Lindsay Shapiro, Joey Krutel, Andrea Gonzalez, Erika & Roma Cohen, & Mike Giron
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