MAISON&OBJET AMERICAS Interior Design & Lifestyle Summit 2016 – Day 3
Miami Beach, FL – May 12, 2016 – Day three of MAISON&OBJET AMERICAS four day Interior Design & Lifestyle Summit continued with another exciting day of chats. The day featured an array of design talks that allowed for a dialogue between collaborators, colleagues and/ or competitors for discussions on various topics. Listeners had the opportunity to decode the major trends on the market today and for tomorrow, as well as to discover projects from prestigious architects from the American continent.
The Intersection of Fashion and Design

Danielle Barr, Neal Beckstedt, Jesse Carrier, Mara Miller, Lisa Frantz, & Lydia Marks

Mara Miller, Jesse Carrier, & Lisa Frantz

Neal Beckstedt, Jesse Carrier, & Mara Miller

Mara Miller

Mara Miller & Jesse Carrier

Jesse Carrier, Lisa Frantz, & Lydia Marks

Lisa Frantz & Lydia Marks

Lisa Frantz

Lydia Marks

Danielle Barr, Neal Beckstedt, & Jesse Carrier

Neal Beckstedt

Danielle Barr, Neal Beckstedt, & Jesse Carrier

Danielle Barr

Danielle Barr, Neal Beckstedt, Jesse Carrier, Mara Miller, Lisa Frantz, & Lydia Marks

Jesse Carrier, Mara Miller, Lisa Frantz, Lydia Marks, Danielle Barr, & Neal Beckstedt
Amazing Spaces: The Crossover Between Residential and Hospitality Design

Frank de Biasi, Tamara Kaye-Honey, & Rebecca Birdwell

Rebecca Birdwell

Frank de Biasi

Tamara Kaye-Honey

Frank de Biasi, Tamara Kaye-Honey, & Rebecca Birdwell
From The Material To The Object

Humberto Campana & Taissa Buescu

Humberto Campana & Taissa Buescu

Humberto Campana

Taissa Buescu

Humberto Campana & Taissa Buescu
The New Old Modern

Craig Kellogg & Bernardo Fort-Brescia

Bernardo Fort-Brescia

Bernardo Fort-Brescia & Craig Kellogg

Bernardo Fort-Brescia

Bernardo Fort-Brescia & Craig Kellogg

Ann Binlot, Carlos Motta, Taissa Buescu, & Carlos Junqueira

Carlos Motta
Art and Interior Design Fusion

Carlos Junqueira, Carlos Motta, Robert Rionda, & Ann Binlot

Ann Binlot

Carlos Motta

Robert Rionda

Carlos Junqueira, Ann Binlot, Robert Rionda, & Carlos Motta

Constanza Montalva, Claudia Herrera, Nina Ewing, & Estefania Arriagada
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