Latin American Art Pavilion Satellite Celebration at Canvas
Miami, FL – December 3, 2015 – Canvas Sales Center, NIR Investments, Fortune International Realty, Maria Napoles and Leonardo Brito held a VIP reception at Canvas. Over 200 guests gathered as the hosts welcomed the Curator of Zona Franca Collateral Exhibition in celebration of the 12th Havana Biennal. Isabel Perez-Perez, curator of Zona Franca, the most curated collateral at the Havana Beinnal, addressed the audience about the Cuban Art movement and introduced ARTE Cubano, published and distributed for the first time in the USA. “Mr. Brito, a benefactor of the arts, sees Canvas and its mission as the epicenter of Miami’s Hip and Avant-garde! Where youth and energy meet art, design and diversity!” stated Millie Sanchez of Fortune International Realty.
Dominic & Corinna Steiner, Christina Noelle, Michelle Steiner, & Phillip Ofner
Orlando & Diana Rodriguez, Heidi Brito, Bianca & Frank Silva
Heidi Brito & Bianca Silva
Bianca Silva, Diana Rodriguez, & Heidi Brito
Nir Shoshani, Carlos Zapata, Mirriam Cordi, Amy Shoshani, & John West
Nir & Amy Shoshani, Tony Esses, & Andrea Romano
Dolores Saudino & Manny Chamizo
David Bardia & Ana Fernandez
Carlos Acosta & Patricia Camara
Leonardo Brito
Levi Meyer & Ana Recinos
Fabian Echegaray & Arianna Coltellacci
Melissa Sorensen & Zach Thorne
Alberto Carriles, Raffaella Nardi, Jesmar Mujica, & Carlos Villalon
Jake Schloberg, Yvette Blanco, Levi Meyer, & Jaclyn Van Hof
Maria Napoles, Isabelle Perez-Perez, Millie Sanchez, & Leonardo Brito
Giovanna Pirela, Nicole Guasti, & Jorge Dona
Samayra Agosto & Sasha Miracola
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