Miami Beach, FL – May 31, 2015 – To cap off an incredible weekend of celebrating our 5-year anniversary, World Red Eye decided to take our talents to Hyde Beach for an wild pool party. With Damaged Goods and Brooke Evers providing high energy sounds and bottles of Moët & Chandon flowing all day, there was no doubt this was the ultimate Sunday funday and the perfect way to close out an epic weekend.

2-Damaged Good & Brooke Evers_new

Damaged Goods & Brooke Evers

3.5-Brooke Evers djing 1_new

Brooke Evers

6-Brooke evers & DJ 6_new

Brooke Evers & Damaged Goods

10-Adriana de Moura & Seth Browarnik_new

Adriana De Moura & Seth Browarnik

12-Adriana de Moura_new

Adriana De Moura

13-11-Adriana de Moura 1_new


16-Andrew Stankus & Friend_new

Andrew Stankus

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17.4-Lauren Gnazzo, Seth Browarnik, Damaged Goods, & Friend_new

Andrew Masciantonio, Lauren Gnazzo, Seth Browarnik, & Damaged Goods

17.5-Jessica Newberg, Kylie Kertesz, & Jenn Sobel_new

Jessica Newberg, Kylie Kertesz, & Jenn Sobel

17.5Rodrigo Gaya & Kylie Kertesz_new

Rodrigo Gaya & Kylie Kertesz

17.6Ryan 6_new

Rodrigo Gaya, Gaby Fletcher, & Diego Flores

17.7-Keiko, Caroline & Camila 2_new

17.7-Sharon Dosanjh, Gabriella Rivera, Tanya Massoodi & Ann Melendres 6_new

Sharon Dosanjh, Gabriella Rivera, Tanya Massoodi, & Ann Melendres


17.9-Loamis Rodriguez, Addison Smith, Harold Estime, Rodrigo Gaya, Alejandro Chavarria, Ryan Troy, Seth Browarnik, Jenn Sobel, Kylie Kertesz, Jessica Newberg, & Whitney Prior_new

Loamis Rodriguez, Addison Smith, Harold Estime, Rodrigo Gaya, Alejandro Chavarria, Ryan Troy, Seth Browarnik, Jenn Sobel, Kylie Kertesz, Jessica Newberg, & Whitney Prior

18-Andrew Stankus, Zach Jukel, & Ryan Troy_new

Andrew Stankus, Zach Jukel, & Ryan Troy

18b-Diego Flores, Ryan Troy, & Rodrigo Gaya 1_new

Diego Flores, Ryan Troy, & Rodrigo Gaya

18c-Andrew Stankus & Ryan Troy 2_new

Andrew Stankus & Ryan Troy

21 - Loamis Rodriguez, Alejandro Chavarria, & Ryan Troy_new

Loamis Rodriguez, Alejandro Chavarria, & Ryan Troy


Rob Robinson


23-Brooke Mallory, Heather King & Nicole Hurst 20_new

Brooke Mallory, Heather King, & Nicole Hurst

24-Tanya Massoodi & Ann Melendres3_new

Tanya Massoodi & Ann Melendres

25-Ashley Cariseo & Friends4_new

Ashley Cariseo 

26-Ashley Cariseo_new


Ashley Wizman & Evelyn Menin



28-Bottle Girls 10_new




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34 - Seth4_new

Andrew Masciantonio & Seth Browarnik

34.6Yohana Sanchez & Roxana Silva 2_new

Yohana Sanchez & Roxana Silva


34.8-Elena & Charley 1_new

Elena & Charley

34.9Isabel Pfander & Riccarda Schorno_new

Isabel Pfander & Riccarda Schorno

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35.6b-Jessica Protenic3_new

Jessica Protenic

35.6Roxana Silva7_new

Roxana Silva

36Elena & Charley 14_new

Elena & Charley

37-Carlie Sonenschein, Monica Campos, & Friends_new

Carlie Sonenschein & Monica Campos 

38 - Ashley Cariseo & Friends15_new

Sharon Dosanjh, Gabriella Rivera, Tanya Massoodi, & Ann Melendres

38.1Sharon Dosanjh, Gabriella Rivera, Tanya Massoodi & Ann Melendres 12_new

38.1Todd Stamp & Francesca Raffo_new

Todd Stamp & Francesca Raffo


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39.5Oli Gruica & Tanja Schuler 3_new

Oli Gruica & Tanja Schuler

40-Marla Hernandez & Annette Perez 11_new

Marla Hernandez & Annette Perez

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47-Ryan Troy & Rodrigo Gaya 1_new

Ryan Troy & Rodrigo Gaya

48-Ryan Troy & Rodrigo Gaya 2_new

49-Ryan & Rodrigo 1_new

50-Ryan & Rodrigo 2_new

51-Ryan 1_new

Ryan Troy


xDamaged Goods_new

Damaged Goods

yDj Damged Goods1_new

zaRyan, Dj Damged Goods & Rodri4go _new

Rodrigo Gaya, Damaged Goods, & Ryan Troy


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