
Miami, FL – March 8, 2015 – Good films are difficult to make anywhere in the world; especially outside of major institutional financial backing like a Hollywood studio or a state subsidy. Over the past several years, a group of some of the heartiest artists in the world have translated an extraordinary determination (and collective will) to make great independent films with the scarcest of resources, in their homeland of Cuba. From the Goya-award winning Juan of the Dead (2012) to the Jury prizes awarded to The Swimming Pool (2013) at both the Marrakech and Miami Dade College’s Miami International Film Festivals, this year’s Festival saluted, collectively, the efforts and extraordinary achievements of The Independent Cuban Filmmaker. Guests celebrated by dancing away and jamming out to sweet sounds from the Elastic Bond before they caught the next flick.






 Elastic Bond



9-Elastic Bond performing_new

10-Karen Alamo & Melody Regalado_new

Karen Alamo & Melody Regalado

10.5-Orlando Rojas & Vida Valdez_new

 Orlando Rojas & Vida Valdez

11-Fernando Lavanderos, Ingrid Isensee, & Claudio Marcone_new

 Fernando Lavanderos, Ingrid Isensee, & Claudio Marcone

11.5-Jessica Bernan, Gustavo Taretto, Carlos Aguilar, & Andres Castillo_new

Jessica Bernan, Gustavo Taretto, Carlos Aguilar, & Andres Castillo

12-Carlos Caridad, Eliana Navarro, Gabriel Parisi, Georgina Palacios, & Diego Guerrero_new

Carlos Caridad, Eliana Navarro, Gabriel Parisi, Georgina Palacios, & Diego Guerrero

13-Javier Labrador & Juliana Maite_new

Javier Labrador & Juliana Maite

14-David Burgos & Yesi Delgadillo_new

David Burgos & Yesi Delgadillo

15-Cat Ptasinski & Oscar Una_new

Cat Ptasinski & Oscar Una

16-Clara Tarrico, Maite Alberdi, & Andrea Benavente_new

Clara Taricco, Andrea Benavente,& Maite Alberdi

Anais Leconte & Telsys Tarallo_new

Anais Leconte & Telsys Tarallo

Gia Garcia & Sascha Cushner 1_new

Gia Garcia & Sascha Cushner

Jammy Marin, Jennifer Martin, & Yualys Artiles_new

Jammy & Jennifer Martin, & Yualys Artiles

Oscar Ernesto, Reymel Delgado, Gisselle Legere, & Carlos Gomez_new

Oscar Ernesto, Reymel Delgado, Gisselle Legere, & Carlos Gomez

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