Miami Beach, FL – August 21, 2013 – DJ Five threw down a crazy party at LIV when he entered the DJ booth. All the Miami party people let go of all worries fly by on this crazy Wednesday night.

Stephanie Bascone & Jordyn Hartlein

Stephanie Bascone & Jordyn Hartlein

DJ Five

DJ Five

Jordyn Hartlein

Stephanie Bascone & Jordyn Hartlein

Lourdes Hill

Allison Dohnt & Lourdes Hill

Steph Tart

Kamila Fenardji & Jasmine Beldi

Alicia Ohare & Tiffany Benzaken

Alicia Ohare, Raquel Becker, & Tiffany Benzaken

Lacie Wallace & Becky Crockett

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