0.5-z-Atmosphere at STK at 1 Hotels4_new

Miami Beach, FL – July 11, 2016 – It was another entertaining Monday night at STK as it was a packed house full of delicious bites, lots of booze, and Miamians ready to kick start their week.

1-Atmosphere at STK at 1 Hotels3_new 2-Atmosphere at STK at 1 Hotels2_new 2.4-IMG_0284_new 3-IMG_0278_new

4.1-Fad Airo & Anika Clarke_new

Fad Airo & Anika Clarke

4.2-IMG_0137_new 5-IMG_0082_new

5.1-Astrid Bavaresco, Veronica Gaspa, Stephanie Hernandez, Hilda Bracho, & Allison James_new

Astrid Bavaresco, Veronica Gaspa, Stephanie Hernandez, Hilda Bracho, & Allison James

6-IMG_0070_new 7-IMG_0094_new 8-Atmosphere at STK at 1 Hotels5_new

9.1-Hugo Gloss, Nori Luke, & Xerxes Frechiani_new

Hugo Gloss, Nori Luke, & Xerxes Frechiani

10-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels5_new 11-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels_new 12-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels2_new 13-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels4_new 14-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels11_new 15-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels14_new 16-Dancers at STK at 1 Hotels19_new 16.1-IMG_0046_new 16.2-IMG_0033_new

16.9-Bruno Cardinali & Josh Wagner_new

Bruno Cardinali & Josh Wagner


Bruce Galloway


y-Teresa Cesario, John Cicero, & Josh Wagner_new

Teresa Cesario, John Cicero, & Josh Wagner