Surfside, FL – July 15, 2021 – Volunteers and communities all across South Florida have come together to offer their support, following the Champlain building tragedy. On Thursday, July 15th, Major Food Group’s (MFG) famed CARBONE restaurant brought several menu staples, including their Spicy Rigatoni, Cesar alla ZZ, and Veal Parm signatures, to the Four Seasons Hotel at The Surf Club to serve lunch to the bravely dedicated Fire Rescue personnel and outside specialists that make up Miami-Dade’s Urban Search and Rescue Task Force-1 (FL-TF1) and Task Force-2 (FL-TF2).
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Major Food Group’s Jeff Zalaznick teamed up to bring a little piece of CARBONE to the Surfside area, in collaboration with the Lieutenant Governor of Florida, Jeanette Núñez; Nadim Ashi, founder of the development company Fort Partners and owner of Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences at The Surf Club in Surfside; and Surfside Mayor, Charles Burkett. A thoughtfully-curated lunch menu was prepared that fed more than 100 emergency responders from Miami-Dade’s Urban Search and Rescue Task Forces.
Since the task force’s inception in the 1980s, the search and rescue team has been dispatched to natural and man-made disasters in the U.S. and across the world to help comb through rubble, save lives and locate missing persons. The team is divided into groups including command, rescue, search, medical, and planning, and have been on-site in Surfside since Thursday, June 24th.
Jeff Zalaznick
Jeff Zalaznick
Jeff Zalaznick
Jeff Zalaznick & Nadim Ashi
Jeff Zalaznick & Nadim Ashi
Jimmy Patronis
Jeanette Nuñez, Ron DeSantis, Charles Burkett, Jeff Zalaznick, & Nadim Ashi
Ron DeSantis
Ron DeSantis & Jeff Zalaznick
Charles Burkett, Nadim Ashi, & Jeff Zalaznick
Ron DeSantis
Barbara Gonzalez-Tamburello, Ron Desantis, & Ana Kauffmann
Barbara Gonzalez-Tamburello, Diana Matty, & Ana Kauffmann
Ron DeSantis
Jeanette Nuñez, Ron DeSantis, Charles Burkett, Jeff Zalaznick, & Nadim Ashi
Jeanette Nuñez, Ron DeSantis, & Jeff Zalaznick
Jimmy Patronis, Jeanette Nuñez, & Jeff Zalaznick
Jonah Resnick
Jonah Resnick
Jonah Resnick
Burak Alpdogan
Kyle Brown