Ahol Sniffs Glue

Miami, FL – December 1, 2020 – Museum of Graffiti invited fans and collectors to safely sip colada and eat croquetas while experiencing the “First Look” of the latest show Biscayne World: The Art of Ahol Sniffs Glue. The exhibition showcases new works for sale together with old drawings from the artist’s own archive that tell a very personal story of his professional development and relationship with Miami. The show will be on exhibition at the Museum through late February 2021.

Ahol Sniffs Glue

Stevey G & Ahol Sniffs Glue

Stevey G & Ahol Sniffs Glue


Damani & Allison Freidin

Remote, Ahol Sniffs Glue, & Surge

Ahol Sniffs Glue

Ahol Sniffs Glue

Kelly Kroeber, Jipsy, Stevey G, & Ahol Sniffs Glue

Ahol Sniffs Glue & Allison Freidin

Greg Levy & Allison Freidin

Leslie & Brian Sharpe

Marcus Bach & Surge

Sandy Cheung & Greg Collins

Greg Levy, Daniel Nelson, Lionel Yarmon, & Geoffrey Rowan

Christian Fong, Marcus Bach, & Jonathan Freidin

Ahol Sniffs Glue & Juan Pablo Sanchez

Juan Salazar & Priscila Fadul Bozic

Rebecca Friedman, Alan Ket, & Martha Sesin

Kelly Kroeber & Ahol Sniffs Glue
