Design Miami/ 2019 Members Preview

Daniel Arsham & Bella Hadid
Miami Beach, FL – December 3, 2019 – Design Miami/ 2019 kicked off the fifteenth edition of the fair with the Members Preview. Exclusively for Member cardholders only, this gave visitors the opportunity to check out all of the curated exhibits and browse around before they were showcased to the public.

Craig Robins

Bella Hadid

Daniel Arsham

Austyn Weiner, Daniel Arsham, Bella Hadid, & Kevin Jones

Alan Faena & Luis Sendino

Alan Faena

Alan Faena & Luis Sendino

Austyn Weiner & Bella Hadid

Silvia Venturini Fendi & Peter Marino

Serge Brunschwig, Silvia Venturini Fendi, & Peter Marino

Rudy Weissenberg, Silvia Venturini Fendi, Sarah Kueng, Lovis Caputo, & Rodman Primack

Rudy Weissenberg, Silvia Venturini Fendi, Sarah Kueng, Lovis Caputo, Serge Brunschwig, & Rodman Primack

Serge Brunschwig & Silvia Venturini Fendi

Silvia Venturini Fendi & Serge Brunschwig

Jack & Tara Benmeleh

Jack & Tara Benmeleh, & Noelia Madiedo

Rudy Weissenberg, Silvia Venturini Fendi, & Sarah Kueng

Andrew Kudless

Adrienne Bon Haes & Marvin Ross Friedman

Carolina Alvarez-Mathies & Marc Spiegler

Marcia Martinez Laas & Alexandra Gonzalez Burke

Christian & Jordan de Berdouare, Jennifer Valoppi, & Nick D’Annunzio

Billy Stolz, Isabella & Ted Dalenson, & Richard Edwards

Jerry Robins, Susan Bell Richard, & Scott Robins

Dennis Leyva & Ellen Harvey

Eduardo Saenger, Anya Lemeshko, & Andrew Levinson

Flavia Lowenstein & Elysze Held

Alejandro Paredes & Susan Ainsworth

Carlos Betancourt

Karen Starosta Gilinski, Bernardo Ortiz, & Channing Leeds

Leilani Lynch, Megan Riley, Brian Ehrlich, & Ben Hoffman

Marcela Novela, Peter Malachi, Sarah Harrelson, Dennis Leyva, & Ricardo Dunin

Alexa Wolman

Alexander Sarkissian & Chiara Digiallorenzo

Robert Chambers & Manny Hernandez

Yolanda & Jeff Berkowitz

Spencer Bailey & Sarah Arison

Micky Steinberg, Marcia Monserrat, Amanda Carballo, & Jimmy Morales

Sharon Lombard, Evence Charles Coppee, Agnes Guillaume, & Cathy Leff

Matthew Lieberman, Tim Walker, Laura Buccellati, & Linda Levy Goldberg

Jordan de Berdouare, Jennifer Valoppi, & Christian de Berdouare

Kristen Mcginnis & Alexander Hankin

Tatiana & Freddy Seikaly

Matthew Abess & Robert Aibel

Jose Marty, Debi Wisch, & Lee Mindel

Lucas Van Oostrum, Ralph Nauta, Parker Calvert, Christian Luton, & Clayton Calvert