Alec Monopoly & Lil Pump at Komodo Saturdays
Miami, FL – December 8, 2018 – Komodo was the place to be on Saturday night as celebs like Alec Monopoly and Lil Pump were spotted enjoying the delicious food.

Alexa Dellanos & Alec Monopoly

Yanna Blando & Lazara Delgado

Maria Kaloidas, Morgan Kappasakis, Maria Tsiatis, & Briana Comerford

Peter Salas, Kevin Gold, Brent Saunders, Lil Pump, & Wayne Saunders

Gabby Kono, Sarah Rohan, Sam Bursten, Drew Levey, Serena Esformes, & Daniella Kaye

Rio Santana & Icy Narco

DJ Felix Avila