Miami Beach, FL – November 7, 2018 – The Executive Director of the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU, Susan Gladstone, welcomed museum members and collectors to the opening of The Art of the Lithograph, now on view for Art Basel Season through March 3. The works are on loan from some of America’s leading private and public collections, including: The Metropolitan Art Museum, The New York Historical Society, the Collection of Lori Gold and Alan Hall of Miami Beach, and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Artists featured in the exhibition include: Alexander Calder, Marc Chagall, Jim Dine, Don Eddy, R.B. Kitaj, Lee Krasner, Roy Lichtenstein, Peter Max and Camille Pissarro, among others. Twenty-nine gorgeous prints explore the lithography process, taking the visitor from lithography stones to off-set and computer-to-plate printing. Printmaking educators Kathleen Hudspeth and Jennifer Basile provided a lively discussion about the many facets of this medium and its rich history.

Jennifer Basile & Kathleen Hudspeth

Jacqueline Goldstein

Susan Gladstone

Ira Giller

Amy Somek, Susan Gladstone, Lori Gold, Ira Giller, & Allan Hall

Allan Hall & Lori Gold

Jacqueline Goldstein, Allan Hall, & Lori Gold

Tudor Parfitt & Susan Gladstone

Tudor Parfitt, Lisa Rudenmark, & Sebastian Parfitt

Susan Gladstone, Jennifer Basile, Jacqueline Goldstein, & Kathleen Hudspeth

Beatrice Sagar, Cheryl Kessler, & Susan Gladstone

Amy Somek, Sandy Seligman, Sara Zachar, Stacy Studnik, & Raquel Alalu

Amy Somek, Sara Zachar, Stacy Studnik, & Raquel Alalu