Faena Rose Hosts Martha Stewart for Rosé with Jetsmarter & SOBEWFF

Martha Stewart
Miami Beach, FL – February 25, 2017 – Visionary television personality, entrepreneur, and best-selling author, Martha Stewart, joined members of both Faena Rose and Jetsmarter for lunch and rosé at Faena Hotel’s Living Room in celebration of this year’s SOBEWFF. Faena Rose is an exclusive, art and culture-based private members club, which brings together its dynamic community through a robust, year-round calendar of the most engaging and transformative cultural experiences.

Matthew Atkatz, Martha Stewart, Joaquin Avino, & Kevin Sharkey

Joaquin Avino, Martha Stewart, & Matthew Atkatz

Joaquin Avino & Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart

Asha Elias & Spring Mcmanus

Allyn Magrino & Hadley Henriette

Olga Oleyarsh, Igal Zakhodin, & Bunny Walker

Lisbeth Barron & Joaquin Avino

Eyal Birshan & Giovanni Rossi

Noel & Terry Neelands

Sim Adighije, Latifah Oladiran, Martin Greenberg, & Maria Del Mar Jaramillo