01-The Drifter14_new

The Drifter

Miami Beach, FL – March 28 – 29, 2015 – The past Saturday and Sunday have been probably the most intense days of the year so far in terms of awesome DJ performances. Matthias Tanzmann, Moon Boots, and many other talents took over the W Hotel lawn to show off their skills and keep partiers entertained and full of amazing energy.

02-Andres Amadeus & Jonas Rathsman5_new

Andres Amadeus & Jonas Rathsman

03-Andres Amadeus & Jonas Rathsman3_new

04-The Drifter, Leon Ozial, & Jonas Rathsman3_new

The Drifter, Leon Ozial, & Jonas Rathsman

05-The Drifter2_new

The Drifter & Andres Amadeus

06-Jackie Kovacs & Janeth Ramos_new

Jackie Kovacs & Janeth Ramos


Jackie Kovacs



Matthias Tanzmann

10-Matthias Tanzmann_new

11-Matthias Tanzmann1_new

12-Matthias Tanzmann3_new

13-DetLef & Matthias Tanzmann_new

Detlef & Matthias Tanzmann

14-Matthias Tanzmann & Andres Amadeus_new

Matthias Tanzmann & Andres Amadeus

15-Matthias Tanzmann4_new

Matthias Tanzmann

16-Matthias Tanzmann5_new




20-DetLef, Andres Amadeus, & Carolina & Alvaro Figares_new

DetLef, Andres Amadeus, & Carolina & Alvaro Figares


22-Moon Boots DJing4_new

Andres Amadeus & Moon Boots

23-Moon Boots DJing_new

Moon Boots

24-Moon Boots DJing16_new

25-Moon Boots DJing12_new

26-Moon Boots DJing14_new

27-Moon Boots DJing21_new

Moon Boots

28-Moon Boots DJing9_new
