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Miami Beach, FL – March 26, 2015 – Super Music Group, Little Empire Music & Kaskade’s new record label, Arkade presented an invite only industry mixer to kick off WMC.  Little Empire clients including Kaskade, Galantis, CID, KillaGraham were in the house along with the Super Music Group crew Amtrac, Posso, DJ DZA, Ape Drums, Wuki, & Sluggers.

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03- Kaskade2_new


04- Sid & Kaskade2_new

CID & Kaskade

05- Posso & Derek Walin1_new

Posso & Derek Walin

06- Qwalia, Posso & Roy English_new

Qwalia, Posso & Roy English

07- DZA & Derek Walin1_new

Chris Andrews & Ian Roberts

08- Chris Andrews & Ian Roberts1_new

Chris Andrews & Ian Roberts

09- Kelly Money, Chris Paules, & Connie Chow2_new

 Kelly Money, Chris Paules, & Connie Chow

10- Curtis Aguilu & Yari Triay1_new

Curtis Aguilu & Yari Triay

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13- Kilogram of Milo & Otis, Bloodshy of Galantis, & Kaskade1_new

KillaGraham, Bloodshy of Galantis, & Kaskade

Aramis Lorie, Jake Jefferson, & Max Baum

15- Posso & Ape Drums6_new

Posso & Ape Drums

16- Mike Sluggers, Brandon Kessler, Posso, Jake Jefferson, & Derek Walin2_new

Sluggers, Brandon Kessler, Posso, Jake Jefferson, & Derek Walin

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20- Sid, Brad Driver, & Loren Cronk3_new

CID, Brad Driver, & Loren Cronk

21- Shannon Sokolow & Gabrielle Lafera2_new

Shannon Sokolow & Gabrielle Lafera

22- Derek Walin, Aramis Lorie, Brandon Kessler, & Jake Jefferson1_new

Derek Walin, Aramis Lorie, Brandon Kessler, & Jake Jefferson

23- Ape Drums, Mike Sluggers, Kaskade, & Wuki3_new

Ape Drums, Mike Sluggers, Kaskade, & Wuki

 Stephanie LaFera, Brandon Kessler, Jake Jefferson, Derek Walin, Kaskade, & Aramis Lorie
