Kenneth Cole

Aventura, FL – November 9, 2013 – It wasn’t your average weekend shopping spree at Bloomingdale’s in Aventura Mall last Saturday when Kenneth Cole showed for an appearance to promote his book, “This is a Kenneth Cole Production.” The coffee table book celebrates his 30-year fashion career, as well as social engagements the brand has hosted and endorsed throughout the decades. Making the occasion even more momentous, the trip marked Cole’s first-ever time in South Florida. Fashionistas lined up to have the fashion guru sign their copies, whose proceeds went to Amfar, the Foundation for Aids Research. Here, Cole shares his experience with us.

Kenneth Cole

I see this is your first trip to South Florida. We’re happy to have you, but we want to know, what took you so long to get here? What do you plan to do while you are in town? What are you most looking forward to?

Miami is our last stop on our five-city book tour so I will be visiting and speaking at both University of Miami and Miami International Art & Design, in addition I’m doing a Public Appearance at Bloomingdale’s Aventura. I love and welcome the opportunity to talk to young people about what I wish I knew when I was at their stage in their journey and what I wish someone had told me. I personally enjoy talking with students, which I don’t get to do very often. They inspire me as a designer, a father, an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. So, we thought the book tour helped expand this effort and reach even more students.

Tell me about the book. How long did you work on it?

The book is a look back on the brand’s journey and the impact is has made on people. We wanted to do a book that was a “biography of the brand” and to celebrate our 30th anniversary. We wanted to share our journey through art and let the images tell the story. It really hasn’t been told this way before. Also, we wanted it told by an outsider. Having Lisa Birnbach work with me on telling the story gave it a fresh perspective. We have been telling our own story for years the same way. So, she was interested in getting the untold pieces through our interviews. It helped lead me in a different direction at times and helped me remember things and reveal more information.

The process of putting the book together was challenging and took a great deal of time. It was very cluttered in the beginning, because we had 30 years of images to sift through, and we had to keep cutting. But once we narrowed down the artwork—it became a different book. Less is definitely more in this case.

What is your favorite aspect of the book?

It’s the first fashion book with augmented reality.It was an innovative way to provide more content. The story isn’t just stagnant images, but rather you are able to see behind-the-scenes footage. The strategy was to have the book be a “production.” We wanted to offer customers an innovative experience and exclusive content.

How did you get into fashion?

My father was in the shoe business and most of my early days were spent in shoe factories where I learned the business from an early age.

Thus far, what has been your most rewarding experience?

In 1997 I received the Humanitarian Award from the CFDA. This was the first time ever they awarded and recognized someone for that. It was at this point that I realized what I was doing was accepted, appreciated and respected.

Let’s talk about fall fashion, what’s one item everyone in South Florida needs in their closet?

Everyone should own a great leather jacket or a pair of dark denim.

What is your favorite look for fall?

We really like the bomber jacket this season. There’s something fresh and modern about this cropped style, and it looks great if you wear it with longer shirts or knits. We like that play on proportions

What can we look forward to for spring fashion-wise?


Our spring collection is all about mixing high and low street wear elements with traditional tailoring, a new modern take on sportswear.


What pieces should we start investing in now for spring?


Knee-high gladiator sandal.


What trend would you love to see go away forever? Which trend would you like to resurrect?


Fashion trends always make a comeback, that’s what makes fashion so great, what’s “out” is not really “out” forever.

Kenneth Cole, Lisa & Donald Pliner

Kenneth Cole, Dana Shear, & Carole Seikaly

Nick D’Annunzio, Kenneth Cole, & Tara Solomon

Kenneth Cole & Catie Kiever

Kenneth Cole

Kenneth Cole

Kenneth Cole

Kenneth Cole & Anna Khoroshilova

Kenneth Cole & Brittnay Starks
