Juan Valadez

Miami Beach, FL – October 15, 2013 – Upper-level members at the Bass Museum of Art were in for a treat this week, as they and board of directors for the Miami Beach museum enjoyed a private tour of the Rubell Family Collection with Juan Valadez, director of the Rubell Collection, guiding the tour.

The exhibited, which will open for this year’s Art Basel, consists of 28 contemporary Chinese artists. The work serves as a personalized look at the cross section of work being made in China over the last decade.

Juan Valadez

Silvia Cubina & Juan Valadez

Trudy Courey & Criselda Breene

Christina Getty & Cricket Taplin

Megan Riley & Dan Sehres

Nolan Altman & Pamela Jones

Pamela Jones, Jean Marie Echemendia, & Cricket Taplin

Silvia Cubina, Gavin Williams, & Jennifer Williams

Alan Randolf & Trudy Courey

Alex Colindres & Brook Dorsch

Conny Nixdorf & Christina Lindemann
