Jacmel, Haiti

Jacmel, Haiti – June 30, July 1, 2013 – World Red Eye joined Michael Capponi, founder of Haiti Empowerment Mission, on a 48 hour trip to capture the miraculous development in Jacmel, Haiti. Take a look with us as we share the story behind this village of Jacmel, its hopeful people of Haiti Empowerment Mission, and how far they’ve come in the past three years.

The coastal gem of Haiti is a city called Jacmel, which was founded in 1698 and has a history of being a central trade and commerce location. It was once a port for coffee and precious oil exportation and is now considered by many to be the cultural capital of Haiti. It has produced some of the country’s most respected poets and painters, along with the most vibrant annual carnival celebration. There’s a growing “Jollywood” industry for local filmmakers that was created by founder of the Ciné Institute, David Belle, that’s helped get America’s Hollywood actors like Kristen Bell and Sean Penn, and designer Donna Karan involved in raising millions and putting Jacmel as a city on the map. Recently, First Lady Michelle Obama gave them the International Spotlight Award as part of the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program awards.

While Jacmel has a beautiful coastal landscape and a mountainous region that grows bananas, mangoes, and corn, there are also areas that are very much in need. In the past three years, the country has experienced a trifecta of disasters: the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in January 2010, one of the worst cholera outbreaks in modern history in 2010 lasting two years, and Tropical Storm Isaac just last summer in August 2012.

One of the major problem areas is the dried up river that runs through Jacmel from one end of the island to the other. Over the past 50 years or so, all the trees were cut down, stripping the land of its proper ecological system. Now, when it rains, especially during hurricane season, the river floods and empties into the ocean. It’s a breeding ground for waterborne diseases because it’s the main source of water for the 60,000 people in Jacmel. The river is used for washing clothes, cars, bathing, swimming, and drinking. People burn their trash nearby, and there’s no bridge to cross it, meaning you must drive through to get to the other side. It’s in dire need of reforestation and improvement.

Meeting HEM

After the tragic earthquake on January 12, 2010, Florida developer and nightlife impresario Michael Capponi took his first trip to Haiti to help the victims. After repeated trips that year and connecting with the people, he started his own nonprofit in 2011 called the Haiti Empowerment Mission (HEM), which helps empower the citizens of Haiti by providing the skills and education needed to promote a self-sustaining economy that eliminates the dependency of foreign aid. Capponi has a vision for Haiti and aims to put it on the map as a hidden, overlooked tourist destination- the pearl of the Caribbean.

Michael Capponi, Lauren Fitzpatrick, & The Paradise Fund

Michael Capponi, Lauren Fitzpatrick, & The Paradise Fund

Sista & Michael Capponi

Lauren Fitzpatrick & Alex

Beach Day

Although the people of HEM live on the coastline of a real tropical paradise, it is a rare opportunity for them to be able to visit the beach due to the lack of affordable means of transportation. Some children experienced the ocean for the first time in the arms of many of the volunteers. The children were surprised with bathing suits, donated by Miami supporters of HEM.

“What a great feeling seeing the boxes of donations delivered to my office in response to a Facebook status regarding the need for swimwear for our children and within 24 hours see the children swimming and playing on the beaches of Jacmel,” said Michael Capponi.

The lunches for the day were distributed to the people of HEM who were extremely grateful for the abundant food supply on this special occasion. Many of the children learned to use utensils for the first time and were eager to get in line for a second helping.

Michael Capponi

Michael Capponi

Michael Capponi

HEM & The Paradise Fund

Kent Anderson, Lauren Fitzpatrick, Michael Capponi, & Felicia Marquez

Michael Capponi & Scott Gates

The Community Center Reveal

The Paradise Fund, an annual supporter of HEM, renovated the lower level of a family’s home, which used to be a well-known local restaurant. The community center will be accessible to the school children and families of the Haiti Empowerment Mission. The community center will provide a safe and conducive environment for tutoring, group activities, group meetings, and other purposes.

“Not only does this enhance the opportunities for the people of HEM, but it also has a significant impact on the livelihood of the property’s landlord and his family. This type of support ignites the potential of the entire community of Jacmel, Haiti,” said Michael Capponi.


The organization offers educational programs, provided by private elementary, middle and high school institutions: Ecole Évangélique Chrétienne De Lauture, Ecole Baptiste De St Cyr and College Hosanna. The education program has been funded by various sponsors including Donna Karan and Urban Zen for the 2011-2012 school year and The Paradise Fund for 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school year. The school expenses include the following: registration, tuition, uniform, shoes, lunches, transportation and school supplies.


Darline Dimanche

This is Darline Dimanche, Michael Capponi found her two weeks after the earthquake crying in the mud and homeless. Now, three years later she is all grown up and attends private school. She is the oldest of five children and her regal presence captivates everyone around her. This photo was taken on her birthday and her one wish was for a bowl of cornflakes with milk.


In 2010, after the disastrous earthquake, LeLe’s Brain was bulging due to infections. He was immediately operated on and his life was spared. Now LeLe leads the life of a happy kindergardener.

Mickenson Dimanche

Mickenson was born with inverted feet and was only able to crawl. After three years of taking care of him, HEM was finally able to get him operated on by volunteer American doctors. On this particular trip Mickenson was able to go swimming for the first time in his life.

Kesny Phillip

Kesny Phillip, one of HEM’s star students in school, who has really progressed lately, wants to become an engineer one day. Almost three years ago he was living under a tarp with no access to education or living essentials, now he sits at the top of his class and holds an A average. He is trilingual, has an incredible spirit and determination to succeed.

“When you don’t have education, you don’t have anything. Education is the key,” said Kesny Phillip.

Pastor Edry Alida & Michael Capponi

Downtown Jacmel

Today, Jacmel’s artistic sector is alive and well thrives in the center of downtown Jacmel. From the French colonial architecture of the historic district, to the bustling packed streets of the market place, to the colorful Haitian storefronts, there is a celebration of life through music, dance, language and manners that will fill anyone with hope and joy. There are places in the world where creativity thrives and artists congregate, and downtown Jacmel is one of them.

“The initial vision for the future of Jacmel is to restore this hidden gem and recreate the magical appeal of a unique tourist destination. This vision promotes a self-sufficient and sustainable economy by providing many job opportunities deriving from tourism,” said Michael Capponi.

By tourists visiting Jacmel, the community will require transportation, airport expansion, food services, souvenirs and goods, new roads, more infrastructure development, and an amazing new, government funded boardwalk. This means a lot of jobs for everyone. Donna Karan even brought successful hotelier Andre Balazs to introduce him to Haiti and explore the possibility of operating a hotel in Jacmel to help create these jobs. She also shot her 2012 Donna Karan campaign with supermodel Adriana Lima in Jacmel.

Michael Capponi

Michael Capponi

Fondation Sant D’A Jakmel

Luckner Candio of Fondation Sant D’A Jakmel

Prince Luc (Luckner Candio) is the director of Fondation Sant D’A Jakmel, a large gallery, performance space and art school. Over the years, the gallery has become more like a community center for locals and visitors alike. This year Luckner is being sponsored by HEM to come to the United States and showcase his art at several art fairs.

The Evolution of Haiti Empowerment Mission

All photos below are courtesy of Michael Capponi

Phase 1 – 2010

Capponi’s first trip was the result of a phone call from Kelly Arison and Felicia Marquez, who knew of his previous efforts during hurricanes in Miami and nearby areas. Capponi’s first trips were supported by Dr. Barth Green and Jenna Green of Project Medishare and United Way of Miami-Dade. They asked for help raising money to support Project Medishare’s field hospital, which saved the lives of thousands of earthquake victims. The natural disaster had just happened Tuesday, they were immediately able to fundraiser weekly party at LIV on that coming Saturday. Capponi and his team stood outside the club collecting donations with buckets, and they left the next morning to Haiti. Not really knowing where he was going or what he was going to do, Capponi took a plane to Port-au-Prince. Dr. Frank Pierre received the team on grounds as they arrived in a terror-stricken country of Haitians without food, shelter, clothing, or water. The sound of helicopters hovering overhead constantly paired with sirens and people screaming was enough to leave one’s ears ringing. The sights of the dead bodies covered in debris, communities in ruin, and children loosing limbs was more than most could bear.

In the course of a year, 18 Haiti relief missions were completed and a tent city was established in Belvil, Haiti with the help of key HEM supporters Jeff Feldman, Terry Louis. Medical, sanitation, food, and water services were provided for 1,500 displaced victims. Toward the end of the year, Capponi and his team began conducting a census of all the families in Belvil to see who would be interested in relocating to a transitional village nearby for a chance at an improved life. The town of Jacmel caught Capponi’s attention thanks to actress Maria Bello, who had been going there with Capponi’s friend Reza Bundy.

Adonis Garcia & Michael Capponi

The National Palace

Michael Capponi, Adonis Garcia, and the Miami Beach fire fighters boarding Michael Bay’s plane from PAP to MIA.

Sean Penn & Michael Capponi

Michael Capponi & Sanjay Gupta

Kristen Bell

Michael Capponi, Kristen Bell, and the summit series founders bringing life straws to Haiti after the first Cholera outbreak

Michael Capponi

Danoushka Capponi

Phase 2 – 2011

In January 2011, one year after the earthquake, 25 interested families based on the census were moved from the tent city camp in Belvil to the transitional village in Jacmel. The Miami-Dade County League of Cities and the Haiti Art Expo provided the funds to purchase the shelters. This was the beginning of Capponi’s Haiti Empowerment Mission, which he founded in February 2011. The nonprofit’s mission is to empower the people of Haiti by providing quality education, diverse vocational training, and job creation. The ultimate objective is to create opportunities for the people of Haiti to have a self-sufficient and sustainable economy, eliminating their dependency on foreign aid. The transitional village was made from much more durable, sustainable materials, providing better shelter, showers, toilets, a sanitation system and solar lighting. The Haiti Empowerment Mission created and supports the following programs: a distribution program of food, water, water filters, clothing, hygiene products, and other necessities; an educational program that provides elementary, middle, and high school institutions funded by sponsorship; a hospitality program for adults provided by leading global hospitality education and training program HVS; and a job placement program that provides graduates of the hospitality program a chance to be a part of a sustainable socio-economic tourism industry for Haiti. A huge moment in 2011 was when the children were dressed in uniforms for the first day of school.

Michael Capponi

Darline Dimanche

Mickenson Dimanche

Haiti Operations Directors, David and Darlys Bird, were responsible for finding American doctors to reconstruct Mickenson Dimanche’s feet.

Phase 3 – 2012

Last year continued the HEM efforts with dramatic improvement and results. In April 2012, a big milestone was hit as 22 students of the HVS Hospitality School graduated with diplomas to help them get jobs in the tourism sector that the Haitian government is creating. In May, Capponi celebrated his 40th birthday at Capitale in New York City hosted by the 2011-2012 school year sponsor Donna Karan. The huge event brought a diverse group of people together to benefit HEM. Then in August, tropical storm Isaac directly hit the transitional village in Jacmel, causing much flooding as well as an opportunity to move into permanent housing sooner. By October, the families of the Jacmel transitional village were offered an exit strategy. HEM would find a home for each of the 25 families in the village, paying the first year of rent until the foundation has helped them find new jobs. Each family was also given a bi-monthly cash allowance for living essentials. Since then, 18 of the families are living with the rest of the population in Jacmel, while the rest have moved to Port Au Prince accepting a financial gift in accordance with the Haitian government’s relocation standards.

Michael Capponi

President Michel Martelly visiting the HEM students

Michael Capponi & Donna Karan

Philippe Dodard & Donna Karan


Since that first shocking day he landed in Port-au-Prince in January 2010, Capponi has made over 60 trips to Haiti, most have all been personally funded. Any funds he has raised go directly to HEM. And unlike many nonprofits, HEM’s entire operating costs are paid for directly by Capponi, therefore alleviating it of any overhead. HEM is eternally grateful for the help of David and Darlys Bird of Calvary International Development Ministries who are the on ground Haiti Operations Directors. The couple plays a critical role in overseeing and managing the distribution and education programs. Yougains Fils, a native of Haiti, assists in the day to day operations of the organization and represents the voice of the HEM community. Michael Capponi’s mother, Danoushka Capponi, sits on the board of directors and is the communication liaison between the HEM Miami headquarters and the HEM Haiti Operations Directors.

For the past three years, Capponi and his team, along with William H. Dean, have celebrated  Christmas with the people of Jacmel who they so passionately care about. Dean has co-sponsored these trips and has donated Christmas gifts to each family. Capponi has also rung in the new year at Hotel Florita in Jacmel with the HEM families. During the trip in January 2013, the top three students with the highest grades at school were given a laptop and taken on a field trip to the gorgeous waterfall Bassin Bleu. The 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years as well as the creation of the community center has been sponsored by The Paradise Fund, making another year of successful education possible for these spirited students. This new generation is the biggest focus at this point, and HEM is helping their parents with skill training programs to lead successful adult lives so they can provide for their children.

The untapped possibilities for success in Haiti are endless, as Capponi tells us the astonishing numbers. The gross national product of the Dominican Republic is the highest of the Caribbean, yet Haiti’s is the lowest in the Caribbean. Clearly there is a disconnect here, and Capponi seeks to show everyone just how much potential this wonderful country holds. It all starts with educating the people, and ultimately he aims to have a trickle down effect with tourism creating many jobs.

The right wheels are in place, it’s just a matter of getting all the necessary support to really get them in motion. If you would like to be a part of the future success of Haiti through the Haiti Empowerment Mission, click here.

The Paradise Fund has committed to sponsoring the HEM’s schools for 2013- 2014 school year. Please support this cause by attending an evening of the lavish glory days of 1950s Havana at the Paradise Social Club. For access to the Paradise Social Club, click here.

Michael Capponi

Michael Capponi
