Jimmie Johnson

Miami Beach, FL – November 20, 2011 – The knock-down, drag out fight for the 2011 NASCAR Sprint Cup trophy culminated in Miami when celebrities and drivers raved on South Beach following NASCAR’s final race of the season on Sunday, Nov. 20th.  To celebrate the champion, South Beach again turned into celebrity central when sexy celebs and Miami elite joined racing’s top drivers at the annual, invite-only post-race championship party at the Delano HotelHAUTE PURSUIT was this year’s exclusive VIP event and was hosted by Jim Cavanaugh, CEO and founder of Jani-King International, Inc. and Noah Lazes, President of the ARK Group and co-hosted by two of Miami’s premier promoters, Michael Capponi and Antonio Misuraca. This year, the Florida Room at the Delano showcased its nightlife scene while giving party-goers another epic night with the sounds of DJ Blaze and DJ John Cash.

Bob Johnson & Jimmie Johnson

Bob Johnson & Jimmie Johnson

Noah Lazes, Bob Johnson, Jimmie Johnson, & Antonio Misuraca

Lennox Lewis

Vanessa Diminich, Sunny Middleton, Valentina Sarria, & Michelle Schiewe

Elena Boyko, Brian Chambers, & Anisa Hasani

Michelle Schiewe

Christopher Atzwanger, Alexis Rose, Jennifer Zuniga, & Joseph Schwienbacher

Katherine Banner, Joseph Smallman, & Morgan Allen

Debbie McDonnell & Elizabeth Gammack

Devereux Velazquez & Mila Dago

DJ John Cash

Lennox Lewis

Ron Berkowitz, Laurie Patrei, & Noah Lazes

Granville Adams & Sir Ivan

Antonio Misuraca & Granville Adams

Antonio Misuraca & Granville Adams

Felicia Marquez & Alexis Rose

Valentina Sarria & Vanessa Diminich

Noah Lazes, Laurie Patrei, & Ron Berkowitz

Sunny Middleton, Vanessa Diminich, & Valentina Sarria

Sunny Middleton, Vanessa Diminich, Valentina Sarria, & Michelle Schiewe

Mila Dago & Lauren Nesslein

Nathan Valentine & Vanessa Diminich

Noah Lazes & Antonio Misuraca

Tiffany Pearl, Antonio Misuraca, & Jenny Fernandez

Valentina Sarria & Vanessa Diminich

Vanessa Diminich, Valentina Sarria, & Sunny Middleton