
  • Arts, Creative
    5/5 : Weather

    5/5 : Weather

    By WorldRedEye on July 28th, 2011

    Miami, FL - Weather is the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind,temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.

  • Arts, Creative
    4/5 : Motion

    4/5 : Motion

    By WorldRedEye on July 28th, 2011

    Miami, FL - Being in motion is the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement.

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  • Arts, Creative
    3/5 : Portrait

    3/5 : Portrait

    By WorldRedEye on July 28th, 2011

    Miami, FL - A portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant.

  • Arts, Creative
    2/5 : Depth of Field

    2/5 : Depth of Field

    By WorldRedEye on July 28th, 2011

    Miami, FL - Depth of Field is the amount of distance between the nearest and farthest objects that appear in acceptably sharp focus in a photograph.

  • Arts, Creative
    1/5 : Element

    1/5 : Element

    By WorldRedEye on July 28th, 2011

    Miami, FL - World Red Eye held an internal competition our photographers, challenging them to capture the best photos in the categories: creative depth of field, element, in action, portraits, & weather. A bran... Read more

  • Creative, News
    Our PETA Billboard

    Our PETA Billboard

    By Seth Browarnik on February 16th, 2011

    February 16, 2011 - When we first shot back in July for PETA, I had assumed that this billboard had gone up outside the Cattle Industry Annual Convention and National Cattlemen's Beef Association Trade Show on ... Read more

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  • Creative, News
    Another Night Another Fire

    Another Night Another Fire

    By Rodrigo Gaya on February 16th, 2011

    Miami Beach, FL - February 15, 2011 - Seems theres a serial arsonist on Miami Beach. For the third time in less than a week, an abandoned building on South Beach has been destroyed by fire. This time, the build... Read more

  • Creative, News
    The Roof Is On Fire

    The Roof Is On Fire

    By Rodrigo Gaya on February 14th, 2011

    Miami Beach, FL - February 13, 2011 - What should have been a party night at SET & LIV, turned put to be an adrenaline pumping photo excursion. On my way from SET to LIV, I spotted a giant cloud of smoke coming... Read more

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  • Arts, Creative
    Super Snow

    Super Snow

    By WorldRedEye on February 8th, 2011

    Dallas, TX - February 2011 - Our trip to Dallas left us at the Belmont Hotel. After a freak snowstorm our first night, the city basically shut down the following day, and presented me with

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  • Creative
    Park City

    Park City

    By WorldRedEye on January 28th, 2011

    Park City, UT - January 2011 - Its been a while since I've seen snow. Having this awesome opportunity to go to Sundance was something I wouldn't turn down. What grabbed me right away where the winter

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  • Creative, Friends
    so bright so calm

    so bright so calm

    By Tyler Loy on January 21st, 2011

    Miami Beach, FL - January 20, 2011 - Its quite spectacular when you can walk out to the beach and see an Atlantic Ocean so bright and so calm

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  • Creative, Friends
    no place like home

    no place like home

    By Tyler Loy on January 19th, 2011

    Miami Beach, FL - January 19, 2011 - On a dark foggy night in Miami Beach there is nothing like kicking back and shedding light and those things that usually go unnoticed

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