321 at Water’s Edge Hosts Pro NBA Players
Miami Beach, FL – May 20, 2019 – 321 at Water’s Edge, Fort Lauderdale’s most anticipated luxury boutique condominium residences, hosted NBA basketball players from all over the country and Douglas Elliman‘s top brass this past week for a behind the scenes tour of the current phase of construction. Notable attendees include, Kelly Olynyk with the Miami Heat, Evan Smotrycz, Tyrell Corbin, Retin Obasohan, Jon Octeus, Rochelle LaCavalier, Darin Tansey, George Sarkis, Manny Sarkis, Steve Menezes, Guy Buzzelli and Marc Brandt. With the building completion scheduled for Fall of 2019, the team experienced the construction progress on the fifth floor with Residence 501 scheduled to be one of the first designer decorated residences completed in the building. The NBA players were able to see the residence in its raw state as they sipped champagne while admiring the gorgeous Atlantic and Intracoastal views created by the flow-through unit. #NBACareerCrossover #DEsportsandentertainment #DouglasElliman #DEDevelopmentMarketingFL #DouglasEllimanFL