Jorge Camaraza

Miami, FL – May 31, 2018 – We use our smart phones for just about everything. So why not order fuel? Jorge Camaraza is the visionary founder and chief executive officer of Neighborhood Fuel, a premier mobile gas delivery service based in South Florida. Possessing an entrepreneurial spirit initiated at a young age, Camaraza is changing the way people refuel. It is his mission to turn the inconvenience of going to the gas station into a convenient, everyday standard, where consumers never have to pump their own gas again. Recognizing the void for this type of service in today’s fast-paced, tech-savvy, instant gratification-driven society, Camaraza harnessed his entrepreneurial energy to change the way the world moves after being frustrated by having to stop for gas while running late to a meeting—and thus the idea for Neighborhood Fuel was born. World Red Eye caught up with Camaraza, to get an insiders perspective on the newest innovative fuel delivery service changing the way consumers fuel their automobiles across South Florida.

Jorge Camaraza

WRE: You moved from Los Angeles to Miami at the age of 12. Tell us a little more about yourself and how growing up in Miami influenced your career and life?

JC: My parents made two key decisions that would impact my life forever: leaving Cuba when Fidel took power and moving to Miami when it was just beginning to make itself known to the world. Growing up in the best city in the world made me want to get up every morning and soak it all in. My first real job was with Gloria and Emilio Estefan during the Latin music boom. What a ride that was. Being around the music industry in this great city only made me believe that I could certainly accomplish my dreams and be whoever I wanted to be.

WRE: Your on-demand gas delivery service, Neighborhood Fuel was founded in 2014. How did you come up with the idea for the company?

JC: A few years back, I was on my way to an important meeting and, of course, I was out of gas. I had to stop and Murphy’s Law kicked in. The pump was out of service. I moved to the next pump. Eventually, I had to go see the cashier inside the gas station. The cashier didn’t seem to be in a rush and there were people waiting in line. That’s when I said to myself, “There has to be a better way.” I knew I could develop a solution using the technology in our smartphones. An interface that could be easy to use and make the process seamless.

I knew I could develop a solution using the technology in our smartphones. An interface that could be easy to use and make the process seamless.

Jorge Camaraza

WRE: How would you describe Neighborhood Fuel, and how does the service work?

JC: Neighborhood Fuel is an app that fuels you up while your car is parked, but it’s much more than that. Imagine not having to go out of your way a couple of times a week to make a stop at the dreaded gas station or hold a dirty pump.I mean, it’s 2018! Neighborhood Fuel will change this for the better forever.

WRE: Walk us through the process – everything from opening the Neighborhood Fuel app down to getting the gas delivered? 

JC: The customer must have the Neighborhood Fuel app and create a user profile. Once the customer arrives at work/their designated location, they park their car and leave their fuel tank open. After, the customer logs onto the app and is able to select where they left their car on a parking lot map. Then, they select what type of fuel they need and confirm the service. The fuel truck arrives and the driver fuels up the car. One the service is complete, the driver confirms and a receipt and confirmation of service is sent to the user and their email.

WRE: How much does the service cost?

JC: The service costs the same as the gas station. If you are wondering, there is no catch. There is no delivery fee and the price of gas is the same as the average pump. How do we make money you ask? I copied that idea from Amazon. Get rid of the brick and mortar.

WRE: Neighborhood Fuel is growing throughout South Florida. How many locations is Neighborhood Fuel currently servicing?

JC: We are currently offering the program to employees at large corporate parks like Royal Caribbean, Carnival, Mount Sinai, Perry Ellis, University of Miami Health and many others. It’s been a great way to quickly understand the who, what, when, where and why of how our business works. Soon we will be activating areas everywhere now that we’ve learned all that is involved in servicing our customers successfully.

WRE: There are more than 5 million registered drivers in Miami. How does Neighborhood Fuel benefit their daily lives?

JC: This is the best part. Mothers write to us telling us how they had their child in the backseat breathing fumes at the gas station, others being approached by strangers while they are at the pump, credit cards being skimmed, running late to work, running late to soccer, running late to everything. This anxiety is a thing of the past for our customers and new customers quickly realize there’s much more to this than at first glance.

Jorge Camaraza

WRE: You’ve done some great things around the community. Can you tell us a little about how your company was able to help out South Floridians before and during Hurricane Irma last year?

JC: We were all scared. Very scared. Irma was coming straight for us and the news channels made it clear this was gonna be bigger than Andrew. We knew we had to step up in a major way. There is one thing about our city that I know: When things get tough we’re there for our neighbors. So that’s what we did. We made sure everyone, including the people who had never used our service and recently signed up, were taken care of. We made sure emergency response teams were stocked and ready. We didn’t stop until it was over and it was the best opportunity I’ve ever been given in supporting a community that has always been good to me. I am the one who is truly thankful for being able to help so many people in a time of need.

WRE: How has Neighborhood Fuel evolved and where do you see it going in the future? 

JC: Neighborhood Fuel has evolved from a gas company to a smarter and more efficient way of keeping us all moving onward and upward. We are not alone. Instacart, Uber and Amazon, all see the same thing; a better way of doing the things we need to do. The plan is to be present in as many businesses as possible, and to not only expand throughout South Florida, but nationwide as well.

Neighborhood Fuel has evolved from a gas company to a smarter and more efficient way of keeping us all moving onward and upward. We are not alone.

Jorge Camaraza