“La Dolce Vita” Lounge Celebrates Residential Project at Eighty Seven Park
Miami Beach, FL – November 1, 2017 – Renzo Piano’s Eighty Seven Park welcomed guests to “La Dolce Vita” to celebrate the world-class residential project going vertical. The modern gallery was transformed into a whimsical seaside lounge, where attendees were welcomed by a ‘Miami meets Mediterranean’ vibe in honor of Eighty Seven Park. Addressing the lively crowd, Terra’s President David Martin shared center stage with West 8’s Daniel Cassini, as they closed the evening with an inspirational toast to the future of the city. Comprising of only 66-units, Eighty Seven Park will be one of South Florida’s most exclusive and intimate residences. Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, a 35-acre public park that will be reimagined by West 8 to the south, and a private 2-acres residents park to the north.
Daniel Vasini & Michelle Bilbao
Chris Soares, Michelle Bilbao, & Jack Thomas
Sílvia Leal, Cassio Prestes, Paula Prestes Cardoso, & Joao Manuel Cardoso
Daniel Sanchez, Daniela Dueñas, & Eric Lieberbaum
Lori Sobel & Michelle Berlowitz
Robert Evangelista & Monica Harvey
Anneliese & Miguel Velazquez
Christy Martin & Christine Pacheco
Wen Tie Wang & Jorge Sanchez
Jorge Sanchez & David Martin
Dina Goldentayer, Terry & Sladja Stantic
Eloy Carmenate, Marcia Valente, & Wilman Ramos
David & Christy Martin
Alena Graff & Malinka Max
Maria Garmash, Catia Bibus, & Erika Palacios
Rosa Canao, Leeor Bar-Haim, & Cathy Strafaci
Adriana Pinto, Tracy Ferrer, Leeor Bar-Haim, & Sladja Stantic
Marco Rota, Pietro Belmonte, Cathy Strafaci, & Jorge Sanchez
David Martin
Daniel Vasini & David Martin
David Martin & Daniel Vasini
David Martin, Cathy Strafaci, Daniel Vasini, & Wen Tie Wang
Gaston Laugé, Vanessa Grisalez, Adriana Molina, Flavia Lorenzi, & Ricardo Di Giorgio