1--John Cicero & Teresa Cesario11_new

Miami Beach, FL – August 13, 2016 – With cocktails flowing from the bar and sultry babes all around, Craft Social Club‘s weekly Saturday night party was yet another success for the Miami hotspot.

1-John Cicero & Teresa Cesario19_new 1.5-Atmosphere at Craft Social Club_new

1.6-Megan Bell_new

Megan Bell


1.8-John Cicero & Teresa Cesario_new

John Cicero & Teresa Cesario

1.9-Amy Alfano, Jenn Sfraga, & Megan Bell_new

Amy Alfano, Jenn Sfraga, & Megan Bell

1.10-DJ Sandman, Michelle Pooch, & Jullian Boothe_new

DJ Sandman, Michelle Pooch, & Jullian Boothe

2-LP Steele, RT Murphy, & John Cicero_new

LP Steele, RT Murphy, & John Cicero

3-RT Murphy, LP Steele, John Cicero, & Teresa Cesario_new

RT Murphy, LP Steele, John Cicero, & Teresa Cesario

4-IMG_0008_new 5-IMG_0006_new 5.7-John Cicero & Teresa Cesario9_new 6-IMG_0244_new 7-IMG_0054_new 8-IMG_0084_new 9-John Cicero & Teresa Cesario3_new 9.1-John Cicero & Teresa Cesario2_new 10-IMG_0206_new 12-IMG_0209_new