Make Parks a Priority Rally at C1 Bank
Miami, FL – August 26, 2015 – As Miami grows, advocates are pushing to protect and expand valuable green and public gathering space. That was the rallying call at the Make Parks a Priority event last week. Hosted at C1 Bank in Wynwood and sponsored by Grey Goose and Cusquena Cerveza, The Miami Foundation gathered more than 150 engaged residents to encourage all county commissioners to approve Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s proposed $13.5 million 2016 parks budget increase. The rally also celebrated the eighteen winners of the 2015 Public Space Challenge.
Stacey Glassman & Rebecca Mandelman
Tony Cho, Rebecca Mandelman, & Steven Marcus
Stacey Glassman, Tony Cho, Rebecca Mandelman, & Steven Marcus
Lola Bellaflores, Roberto Rovira, Tony Cho, & Stacey Glassman
Jessica Levy, Alixa Castellanos, Stacey Glassman, & Clement Fatovic
Gabriela Guzman, Chi Chi Truong, Justin Wales, Rebecca Mandelman, Ana Colls, & Lalchandani Simon
Lalchandani Simon, Clayton Solomon, & Ana Colls
Ron Romer & Jessica Kizorek
Clement Fatovic, Rebecca Mandelman, Markus Thiel, & Peter Garcia
Dejha Carrington, Stacey Glassman, & Rebecca Mandelman
Wayne Stephens & Dejha Carrington
Dejha Carrington & Theresa Heron
Grace Turiano & Kelly Penton
Leo Valencia, Adele Bagley, Matt Haggman, & Rebecca Mandelman
Tony Cho
Matthew Beatty
Javier Soto
Javier Soto & Xavier Suarez
Miguel Prypchan & Francisco Herretes
Matt Mawhinney, Christine Zavesky, & Milda Bublys
Matt Mawhinney, Francisco Herretes, Tanya Nieto-Winzey, Miguel Prypchan, Tony Cho, Stacey Glassman, Rudolf Uhlemann, Roberto Rovira, Dejha Carrington, Ron Romer, & Public Space Challenge Winners
Stuart Kennedy
Rebecca Mandelman
Tanya Nieto-Winzey & Karla Acosta
Chi Chi Truong, Ryan Shedd, & Rudolf Uhlemann