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Miami Beach, FL – February 4, 2015 – For 10 weeks only, Basement Miami is putting the flavor back in your ear with their wild JELLY party, a classic hip-hop and R&B rager to liven up every weeks hump day festivities. Last week was as live as ever as Maseo threw down booty shaking tracks that partiers couldn’t get enough of. Best part?Ladies bowled, skated, and sipped on free slushies until midnight.

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06- Maseo DJing


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08- Amanda Z & Andriana S

Amanda Z & Andriana S

09- Andriana S, Amanda Z, & Friends

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14- Kerri Aultman

Kerri Aultman

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21- Michelle Leshem, Zoe Wirth, & Friend

Michelle Leshem & Zoe Wirth

22- Reid Waters & Friend

Reid Waters

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24- DJ Affect & Friends

DJ Affect

25- Dj Garcia, Killa Ka5, & Anthony Blaze

DJ Garcia, Killa Ka5, & Anthony Blaze

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