Miami Beach, FL – November 19, 2012 – People lined up to enter Mokai on Monday, knowing that once they got inside they would be along for a ride of partying that rivals the energy of the weekend and keeps the thoughts of the work week on the back burner.

Nick Hogan

Nick Hogan & Chris Jones

Ally Nicotra

Stephanie Smolski

Annabel Gonzalez

Eva Art & Tiffany Fernandez

Ally Nicotra

Jason Odio & KidKiddo

Jason Odio & Mr. Mauricio

Nick Hogan & Chris Jones

Ally Nicotra & Ryan Troy

Hugh Hefner Impersonator

Tiffany Golan & Amanda Bella Cohen

Raquel Ofir, Becky Mizne, Tiffany Golan, & Amanda Bella Cohen

Gabby Benesh, Rachel Costa, & Sammi Blake

Nicole McCarty & Kelly Gray

Joe Maz & Aris

Eric Hower & Mr. Mauricio

Mr. Mauricio, DJ Konflikt, & Joe Maz

Sammi Blake

Kelly Gray & Matt Root

Ryan Troy & Kelly Gray

Laura Leigh Smith

Lily McCloskey & Kat McDonough

Adam Risolia, Ally Nicotra, & Vanessa Orsino