Photography by on February 6th, 2024 in News

Miami, FL – February 6,  2024 – Former House Speaker Pelosi, Representatives Rosa DeLauro and Jim McGovern have nominated renowned chef Chef Jose Andres for the Nobel Peace Prize. Acknowledging his humanitarian endeavors in providing food relief during disasters, Pelosi lauds Andrés as a hero for humanity, emphasizing his innovative approach of utilizing local ingredients and engaging local communities. The chef’s nonprofit, Wc Kitchen, established in 2010, has responded to crises globally, serving a staggering 350 million meals to date. From Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico to the war in Ukraine and the recent Gaza humanitarian crisis, Andrés’ organization has been a frontline force in disaster relief. This isn’t the first time he’s been nominated; in 2018, former Maryland representative John Delaney also lauded Andrés for providing an effective roadmap for disaster relief. With nominations accepted from various sources, including national government members and past winners, the Nobel Committee will announce the 2024 Peace Prize recipient in October.