Miami, FL – August 25, 2022 – On Thursday, August 25th the Rusty Pelican hosted an intimate dinner for city officials in advance of their 50th-anniversary gala. The historic and iconic Rusty Pelican restaurant turned 50 this month and was honored by the City of Miami with a proclamation, officially making August 26th Rusty Pelican Day. Alongside the proclamation, the City also honored Rusty Pelican CEO John Tallichet with the Key To the City commemorating the generational impact the restaurant has had on the local community. Owned and managed by the Tallichet family since it opened its doors in 1972, the Key Biscayne waterfront restaurant has provided The City of Miami with decades of some of the most sophisticated waterfront dining including its famed brunches to glamorous nightlife events creating epic memories for several generations.