Miami, FL – April 1, 2020 – 16 year-old Ariel Swedroe (@swedroebyariel) who attends Design Architecture Senior High School in Miami, FL, is using her design ingenuity to help those in the medical community and others protect themselves against COVID19.⁣

Ariel first began sewing protective masks for her family and soon realized her masks could help hospitals and others who are most at risk. Since then she and her mentor have been sewing non-stop @designlabmia a studio that teaches people how to sew. Her masks are being donated to local hospitals and pharmacies throughout Miami.⁣

Learn how you can help by following @designlabmia! #swedroebyariel. Read the full Q&A below on Ariel so see why she supports #WRECares.

Ariel Swedroe

WRE: How did you get connected with #WRECares?

AS: I got connected with WRE through my mentor Angie Cohen at DesignLab Miami

WRE: How is your company helping to fight COVID-19?

AS: We are producing face masks made out of fabric approved by the CDC (pillow cases and t-shirts) as well as a third layer of polypropylene which helps with the protection of penetration of microorganisms.

Ariel Swedroe

I am part of an organization that empowers women and little girls with knowledge of sewing skills so they can change the cycle of poverty and make a better life for them and their families.

Ariel Swedroe

WRE: Why did you want to get involved?

AS: I believe it is important to help out the community. Together with my peers at DesignLab Miami and DesignLab Give we are making a dent in the production of face masks!

WRE: How were you able to involve your industry in the making of masks?

AS: I believe with the exposure on social media, my local fellow designers/production houses jumped on knowing the importance of coming together for the same cause, helping each other. I am part of an organization that empowers women and little girls with knowledge of sewing skills so they can change the cycle of poverty and make a better life for them and their families. I have been involved since I was 13 years old. I feel very connected with the mission. Fashion has always been my passion so to be able to incorporate it as part of what I do is incredible!

WRE: What resources do you need to help increase your production of masks? 

AS: We need more sewers and more donations of materials. Anyone that wants to get involved can do so by donating to