Miami Beach, FL – August 21, 2017 – There’s no better way to start the week than by raging away at Rockwell Mondays.

Princesa Capolupo

Michelle Casares

Ashleigh Robinson & Rodrigo Aldorino

Ashleigh Robinson

Iron Lyon

DJ Zilla & DJ Iron Lyon

DJ Zilla

DJ Zilla & Eddy

Gisele Tavoosi

Gisele Tavoosi, Marlyn Ramos, & Valerie Davis

Andrea Radice, Gisele Tavoosi, Marlyn Ramos, & Valerie Davis

DJ Zilla & Eddy

Madison Murray & Brendan Coughlin

Rodrigo Aldorino

Cristofaro Micaela, Princesa Capolupo, & Jennifer Gomez