1-Atmosphere at Rockwell9_new

Miami Beach, FL – May 9, 2016 – Party goers forgot their Monday blues by popping bottles and getting low at Rockwell until the break of dawn.

2-Allison Socias & Courtney Sousa2_new

Allison Socias & Courtney Sousa

2.1-Courtney Sousa & Allison Socias_new

Courtney Sousa & Allison Socias

3-Allison Socias & Courtney Sousa_new

Allison Socias & Courtney Sousa

4-Victoria Davis & Sandy Rec1_new

Victoria Davis & Sandy Rec


10-Su Unlu, Rodrigo Aldorino, & Dom Scolfield_new

Su Unlu, Rodrigo Aldorino, & Dom Scolfield

13-IMG_1540_new 14-IMG_1557_new 15-IMG_1583_new 16-Atmosphere at Rockwell4_new 17-Atmosphere at Rockwell_new 18-Dancers at Rockwell10_new 19-Dancers at Rockwell13_new 20-Dancers at Rockwell15_new

21-DJ Killa Ka5, Mr Mauricio, & DJ Iron Lyon_new

DJ Killa Ka5, Mr. Mauricio, & DJ Iron Lyon

21.1-Mr Mauricio16_new

Mr. Mauricio

22-Mr Mauricio_new 23-Mr Mauricio2_new 24-Mr Mauricio7_new

25-Mr Mauricio12_new

Mr. Mauricio

26-Dancers at Rockwell25_new 27-IMG_1412_new

30-IMG_1011_new 31-IMG_0730_new 31.1-IMG_1068_new 32-IMG_1355_new 33-IMG_1378_new

34-Courtney Sousa, Allison Socias, & Rodrigo Aldorino_new

Courtney Sousa, Allison Socias, & Rodrigo Aldorino

35-Courtney Sousa & Allison Socias1_new

Courtney Sousa & Allison Socias


36-Damaged Goods_new

Damaged Goods

36.1-IMG_1404_new 37-Atmosphere at Rockwell21_new 38-IMG_1082_new 39-IMG_1115_new 40-Atmosphere at Rockwell23_new