Rakim at Rockwell Mondays
Miami Beach, FL – April 18, 2016 – It was another epic start to the week at Rockwell as Rakim took over the stage and gave an insane performance that had everyone going wild.
Chris Paciello & Rakim
Mio Danilovic, Chris Paciello, Rakim, & Keith Paciello
Katherine Henderson & Brianna Addolorato
Katherine Henderson, Isabella Figueroa, & Sandra Kubicka
Sandra Kubicka & Dashil Hernandez
Victoria Davis, Sandy Rec, & Dom Scolfield
Johanna Da Ru
Andrea Radice
Damaged Goods
Mr Mauricio
Michelle Pooch & Chris Paciello
Michelle Pooch & Patrice Barman
Purple & Julian Cohen
Maggie Lovett & Bianka Campos
Maggie Lovett & Rodrigo Aldorino
Bianka Campos, Rodrigo Aldorino, & Maggie Lovett
Andrea & Adrian Radice
Katherine Henderson, Sandra Kubicka, Brianna & Alexandre Addolorato, Johanna Da Ru, Julian Cohen, & Dashil Hernandez