Michael Bay & Ashley Benson at Just Dance at LIV
Ashley Benson & Burns
Miami Beach, FL – January 28, 2016 – LIV was flooded with famous faces and dope beats last night as movie director Michael Bay and actress Ashley Benson came out to let loose to the sweet sounds of Burns.
Ashley Benson & Burns
Jared Shapiro & Michael Bay
Remi Arifao & Lina Nieves
Kelsey Labarbera, Sophia Gasca, & Yulyana Rudziankova
Yani Kontos & Tommy Pooch
Gleymar Loyo
Tim Wilwert, Nicole Kaufman, Dara Hirsh, Shana Kaufman, Lissette Colls, & Stephanie Kaufman
Jonathan Estallo
Jamez Rave, Daniella de Sousa, & Hannah Gillitt
Gleymar Loyo