Downtown Miami’s One Flagler Building Hosts ‘Light the Night’ Block Party
Miami, FL – August 13, 2015 – Miamians enjoyed a free DWNTWN “Meet Your Neighbors” community block party to celebrate the exterior lighting of downtown Miami’s iconic One Flagler building, which was originally designed by famed architect Morris Lapidus in 1952. Sponsored by the Miami Downtown Development Authority’s (DDA) Property Improvement Grant Program administered by the Downtown Miami Partnership (DMP), guests enjoyed live music and refreshments from dozens of local restaurants, including Whole Foods, Steak Brasil and Eccolo Pops.
Juan Pedro San Martin, Eduardo Citcioglu, & Fabio Faerman
Juan Pedro San Martin & Alyce Robertson
Elastic Bond
Elastic Bond
Alyce Robertson
Harvey Hernandez
Michelle Reinhold
Marc Sarnoff
Marc Sarnoff, Harvey Hernandez, & Alyce Robertson
Annette Peikert, Evelio Medina, Gabriela Campos, & Mike Blandino
Caro Torres & Antonio Rodriguez
Robert Campos, Sara Valles, Andrea Santana, Sergio Barrera, & Michael Cano
Pablo Hernandez & Marianela Ancheta
Maria Lopez & Sabrina Suter
James & Aaron Goldstein
Noah Harvey, Leila, & Aaron Goldstein, & Adeline Pin