Ryan Sullivan Exhibit at ICA Miami
Miami, FL – April 16, 2015 – Last Thursday, The Institute of Contemporary Art opened its doors to present the first institutional solo exhibition for New York-based artist Ryan Sullivan. Open to the public between April 16 and August 20, 2015, the exhibition is a great representation of the museum’s ongoing commitment to exposing its audiences to the work of the most experimental artists practicing today. Sullivan’s exhibition showcases his work from the past two years, with his more recent work being non-compositional, which could best be described as an organic, even abject color palette that is an unconventional yet captivating balance between vivid, murky, and sublime. As image content, the paintings suggest a surface that is in-motion, alive, and contingent. Sullivan’s paintings push the traditional envelope in order to propose new forms of image and image making, and are worth taking the time to experience the brilliance in person.
Alex Gartenfeld & Ryan Sullivan
Norman Braman, Susan & Bob Zarchen
Norman & Irma Braman, Stefani & Evan Reed
Irma Braman, Michelle Rubell, & David Simkins
David Simkins, Jessica Janoski, & Marc Spiegler
Jason Rubell, Michelle Rubell, Mark Handforth, & Dara Friedman
Callum Sullivan, Jeremy Rossman, & Matt Keegan
Irma Braman
Anna Williams & Brandon Grom
Stefani Reed, Maggie Hernandez, & Sheila Elias
Clarissa Dalrymple, Michele Maccarone, & Myra Wexler
Ryan Sullivan & Myra Wexler
Alex Gartenfeld & Evan Reed
Herb & Barbara Frank
Alex Behrens & Pablo de Ritis
Fernanda Torcida, Annie Berkowitz, & Lilian Mustelier
Christine Fernandez, Lisa Fernandez, Crystal Pearl, & Fabienne Rousseau
Julieta Velez & Alex Cohen
Tara Strickstein, Carol Adrianza-Ferdinand, & Zoe Wirth
David Simkins, Michelle Maccarone, & Michelle Rubell
David Simkins, Jessica Janoski, & Casey Zap
Jose Diaz, Alex Gartenfeld, & Dara Friedman
Alex Gartenfeld, Lolly Fox, Emily Sullivan, Mark Sullivan, & Clarissa Dalrymple
Mark & Jill Zisman Gartenfeld, & Sima Zisman
Irma Braman, Jennifer White Kuri, & Jerry Powers
Elizabeth Shannon & Sydney Graham
- Jacqueline Falcone, Tommy Pace, & Zoe Wirth
- Alain Martinez & Remy Walker
- Jordyn Newsome & Amanda Holthus
- Mark Gartenfeld & Jaime Mittleman
- Laura Osario & Gina Diaz
- Katina Medina & Miguel Ullivarri
- Fredrick Black & Rouslana Andriyanova