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Miami Beach, FL – February 7, 2015 – Following a long day of teams battling it out at the Model Beach Volleyball tournament, everyone took to The Catalina to celebrate. Attendees mixing, mingled and sipped on drinks as they geared up for another day of competition.

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J'zotta Rolle, Rachel Smith, & Alex Davis

J’zotta Rolle, Rachel Smith, & Alex Davis

Caroline Osherow, Taryn Aronson, & Haley Edelson

Caroline Osherow, Taryn Aronson, & Haley Edelson

08- Taryn Aronson & Caroline Osherow

Taryn Aronson & Caroline Osherow

09- Ross Kormarnatz & William Ding

Ross Kormarnatz & William Ding

10- Cary Jack & Jonathan Riley

Cary Jack & Jonathan Riley

11- William Ding & Mayo Neil

William Ding & Mayo Neil

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Jellisse King, Cookie Astacio, & Yani Valdes

Jellisse King, Cookie Astacio, & Yani Valdes 

19- Jessica Santore & Danielle Alves

Jessica Santore & Danielle Alves

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26- Mayo Neil & Haley Edelson

Mayo Neil & Haley Edelson

27- Mayo Neil & Pamela Fernandez

Mayo Neil & Pamela Fernandez

28- Mauricio Mendoza, Cary Jack, Jonathan Riley, Angelina Quintana, Alejandro Guardiola, Rachel Smith, & J'zotta Rolle

Mauricio Mendoza, Cary Jack, Jonathan Riley, Angelina Quintana, Alejandro Guardiola, Rachel Smith, & J’zotta Rolle

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