Mondrian Sundays
Marcello Bentine
Miami Beach, FL – January 18, 2015 – It’s hard to think of a better way to close out your weekend than a nice bask in the warm Miami sun. Miamians relished this past Sunday funday at the beautiful Mondrian, where they sipped cocktails, splashed around and enjoyed the picturesque sunset.
Marcello Bentine
Christy Giles
Emely & Fanny Rivas
Leylah Carrie & Max Pierre
Natalie Subbloie, Kayla Raspallo, & Samantha Bonanno
Molly Inadomi, Max Lilly, Becka Black, & Farrin Katz
Tatiana Amaya, Kevin Coach Lee, & Julie Ares
Nilija Fulumbarkar