
Miami, FL – May 30, 2013 – If you’ve been through Wynwood lately and noticed a new black and white mural of a hawk on 24th Street, that’s the handiwork of up-and-coming street artist Evoca1. The massive mural is an attention-grabber to say the least: it depicts a fantastical moment frozen in time and hand painted onto the entire length of the Wynwood Cigar Factory‘s 95 foot wall. The project came about when Lincoln Motors approached Evoca1 to do a piece as part of their Hello, Again campaign that fosters artist relationships and reintroduces locals to their cities. From now until June 2, locals can take the Hello, Again Miami tour in the new 2013 Lincoln MKZ around Wynwood, with this commissioned piece being one of the stops.

Evoca1 is an artist and humanitarian collective that aims to bring art and humanity together. It all started in November 2010 with the Sketches For Mankind project that was a husband-wife joint effort, along with the help of friends. They hosted the 3rd Sunday For Hunger event, feeding over 100 homeless people in the Downtown Miami area. With such a successful first event, they’ve continued the philanthropic project on the third Sunday of every month since. Each event is funded and promoted through his artwork and merchandise, which includes men’s and women’s super soft tees and hats, mainly available online though they hope to open a store in Wynwood this fall. The reason for choosing the 3rd Sunday For Hunger event as the main focus of their humanitarian efforts is because it’s the most instantly gratifying. In 2009, the team went out and bought toys for an orphanage around the holidays, but only received a tax deductive form and a handshake. They didn’t get to interact with the kids or see if their efforts actually made an impact. After that, Evoca1 and his team focused any other volunteer efforts on face-to-face events. It was a year later that they decided to feed the homeless for Thanksgiving. They brought all the food, packed it in lunch bags, and drove around Miami handing them out, loving every minute of it. You can even sign up to volunteer at the next 3rd Sunday For Hunger Event with Evoca1 and his team as they hand out food to the homeless for an hour.

Take a detailed look with us as Evoca1 himself shows off his latest masterpiece, which lies adjacent to his first Wynwood mural in the Cigar Factory courtyard. If you haven’t passed by and seen it for yourself yet, get a first look here, and make sure to stop through to marvel at it in person next time you’re in the artsy neighborhood.


“I was approached by Lincoln Motor Company, who is doing a campaign in Wynwood, and the idea is to show people a part of their town that they may not know. They reached out to me, saying that they wanted to develop a piece of art to leave their mark on the neighborhood- kind of as a token for the people. The only guidelines they gave me were to do something that was inspired by the design of one of their new cars. I was kind of skeptical at first, but it turned out to be a great experience for me.”

“Evoca1 is the name I picked up a few years ago while I was still illegally pasting my sketches in the street. The name comes from the spanish word ‘Evocar’, which translates ‘to evoke’. I have always tried to raise awareness to social and global issues with the hopes of evoking some kind of emotion in people through my work… I’ve always wanted to do something to give back and wanted to find a way to use my artistic ability to help those less fortunate.”

The paint is still pretty fresh on this 95 foot wall, as it was just finished only two weeks ago. It was inspired by the new 2013 Lincoln MKZ, which had the grill of the car inspired by a hawk in flight and the interior inspired by manta rays.

This is actually the second mural by Evoca1 in Wynwood, with his first being on the wall perpendicular to the new one, and it went up during Art Basel. It’s called “Running With The Wolves” and depicts a homeless man trying to escape the wolves, which represent society. He’s protecting what’s most important to him, which in this case is an innocent baby lamb, showing the constant struggle between the homeless community and the rest of society.


“Music is a huge part of my creative process. I listen to a lot of Tom Waits, Radiohead, and Miles Davis. I can’t really work without music. I always have a ton of things running through my mind, so I find that it keeps the clutter out and helps me through those long painting days.”


“I feel very fortunate to be here in Miami and to have Wynwood as a playground. These streets are filled with energy and full of culture. Wynwood serves as a gallery for the the best artists from around the world, and the neighborhood is always changing, so there is always a need to create. I cannot think of a better place for an artist to be.”